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Chapter V (Rb)
On the manner of working.
"Let those friars, to whom the Lord gives the grace to work, work faithfully and devotedly, in such a way that, having excluded idleness, the enemy of the soul, they do not extinguish the spirit of holy prayer and devotion, which all other temporal things should serve zealously. Indeed concerning the wages of labor, let them receive for themselves and for their friars what is for the necessity of the body, except coins or money, and this (they should do) humbly, as befits the servants of God and thefollowers of most holy poverty." Rb
Studies is also part of our formation It is therefore important to acquire knowledge in diverse areas of life. Importantly is that all the studies must lead the friar to God and effect way of evangilizzation or preaching the Goodnews of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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